Thursday, January 20, 2011


Today FINALLY felt like we are in California!!  We left Sacramento around noon and drove down Highway 1 to Santa Cruz.  We only stopped to beach 1000000 times!  Not really, just one cause there were no pets allowed at most of them.  Calvin had to suffer for 30 mins or so for one stop though, cause we just couldn't resist!  The beach was beautiful and the sand felt so amazing in our toes!! we are staying in Santa Cruz for the night.  Didn't get too far today but who cares, since we can't move in til tomorrow.  I think we're all pretty excited to have a steady place thats already paid for!!!  Santa Cruz is amazing.  Thats pretty much all I have to say about it.  We tried to go to the Pier but it was basically closed.  Kinda like the Lake of the Ozarks (or Arnolds Park) in the fall/winter.  Still neat though.  Ok...enough for today.  Sorry it wasn't a lot.  More later.  MISS EVERYONE!! 


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